Days 4/5: Deception/Tsau

Westward bound. Were these men discussing the Yen carry-trade?
No, of course not, they are on holiday.
Every now and then the road almost disappeared. But we were ok because the biltong supply, a very small part of which was drying on the dashboard, was as bottomless as Mary Poppins' handbag.

Il y avait un peu de sable...

After a long dry drive, the cohort of middle aged men arrive at last. They need to rest. Luckily they have camping chairs, and vehiculated shade. This is the southbound cutline, a 5-lane firebreak that runs due south for a few hundred kms down the entire western border of the Central Kalahari.

This man seems to be repairing a coffee pot.
He is brave and strong and wise.

A traditional Lion-attracting Botswana ritual...