Days 5/6/7/8: 3rd Bridge

Un léopard à Moremi, une grande première

Repairs to the bridge before crossing.
Luckily we have a Bulgarian wood aficionado on board. voila.

Car monkey.


On our first night at Moremi we heard lions very close. The next morning, we were very happy to find one of them, this beautiful lioness, probably 500m from our campsite. She stayed 2 nights and then disappeared.

Sarkozy ? Segolène ? Bayrou ?...
[editorial note from London Office - if you click on this photo to see the enlarged version, you will notice a hippo, just in front of Roland's lips...]

Moremi est un endroit raisonnablement plaisant. Étonnamment, nous l'avons eu à nous-mêmes pendant 4 jours (apart from des couples suisses que nous believe were eaten at Xakanaka).

Petite water elf 1.

Petite water elf 2.

Petite water elf 3.

Petite water elf 4.

We'd come to Moremi expecting rest, but instead our campsite beneath the sausage tree was chaotic: Hyenas and baboons constantly inquisitive, a massive elephant casually cruising by, hippos doing their thing all around us, and Lions never far.